Of Curious Hew



Is Mr. Potato Head

I can make God

look any way I want him to

change his ears, his nose

I can give him a smile

or lots of teeth

a mustache or ladies feet

I can make him look

however I feel today

for I make God

in the image and likeness

of Me

it is much easier to reconcile God

and a lot more fun

than to reconcile Me

The left hand of the beast is served at the alter of God

Accept or Except

Truth is Free of your Pride

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I would quill me boons

In questering conundrum

That ye might adventure in discovery

Than be ye found in quotidian quandary

I would fecund In one who reads me writ

Life is a struggle; Cessation is the alternative

Would you perpetuate the imperfections

Or perfect into perpetuity


The heightening of illumination

The quickening of spiritual thought

Ken Ye

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Yarn Spinner

Jesus is the yarn spinner

With skill of wisdom and strands of faith

He spins the yarn of salvation

The Bible

Is the instruction book of weaving

That we can weave the yarns of salvation

Into the fabric of our lives


Is the loom of creation

Upon which we fabricate our cloth

Into the mantle of eternity

Godward Be

“Who hear not the music think the dancers mad”

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Point of Life

God Is

You can only divine

By the strength of your Faith

Be Fierce

Point your life to the glory of man

You will not fail to hit your mark

But this mark is short in passing

Point your life to the Glory of God

You must be fierce to hit His mark

But His mark is everlasting

Any fool can loose arrows into sand

and hit his mark

The archer must be fierce and wise of sight

To mete his demand

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The Book of Infinity

Faith: Firm belief in something for which there is no proof

”Blessed are they who believe but have not seen”

The Word of God

Belief and Faith often are used interchangeably

But belief may or may not imply certitude in the believer

Whereas Faith always does

Even where there is no evidence or proof

"Belief may be based solely on Faith

But Faith can never be based solely on belief "

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Word of God

How can the infinite Word of God

Be bound between the pages of a book

I believe it is also stated in the Bible

That not all of what Jesus said is contained therein.

John 21:25

Only arrogance can bind the infinity of God into a book of words

Did Jesus truly have so little to say in three years of public life

that it could all be contained in a few passages of the Bible??

Perhaps you are basing your “faith” Solely on the Bible

because You are seeking to find proof that your way is the right way.

If you need to "base your faith" it is only what you are willing to believe.

Faith is without Proof ...Proof is without Faith

"To take text out of context to use as proof text Is Pretext"

Who was it that based their belief, their whole way of life,

Strictly and Solely on the letter of the law,

Even to the exclusion of the Spirit of the law?

Was not this book of law the “inspired word of God”,

the same book that we still use to this day

as prelude and prophecy of our New Testament?

Was this same book of law, "the inspired Word of God",

not constantly used (quoted) by the Pharisee

to try to confound and belie the teaching of Jesus?

Many have faith in their belief

Yet have no belief in Faith

If Jesus is the Word, the word must be Humility

The utter sacrifice of self

This is what He showed us by His death upon the cross

Arms reaching wide to say I Love You

In Eternal Sacrifice

The Word of God

God is beyond belief

He must be accepted on Faith alone

The Word of God will always be with you

Even when they take away the “Book” of His words

Love Never Fails

God is Infinite

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Many believe in the god of worship

Than the worship of God


Lollygagging with The Lord

They mock Him with a dog and pony show

in the shadows of an empty cross

the world clamors to "Razzle Dazzle" your senses

and gives you the placebo christinanity of self gratification

for the "feel good" of your own private interpretation

Oh! the daze of secular christinanity!

Where worship is in song and dance

For the feel good of the senses!!

The Cross is Empty!

Jesus, is missing!

Not because He has risen

But because He has been buried in the Tome

To be interpreted by the whim of flailing conscience

He is kept bound

That no one can see His Eternal Sacrifice

Arms spread wide to say I Love You

This, is your salvation

His Universal Church

Celebrates! His Astounding Act Of Love!

Displays it on High

That all may Know

”Love one another as I have Loved you”

”Husbands Love your wives

As Christ has loved His Church”

We point to Jesus Crucified

"Worship without sacrifice is an absurdity of the modern age"

(Mohandas Gandhi)

“Worship without sacrifice is the absurdity of modernity”

(Thomas of Ken Ye)

Interpretation is the devil’s fondest tool

He loves verisimilitude, simulacrum and the wring of truth

Discernment is of the Holy Spirit

And comes to those who seek humility

The “Book” is the seed of wisdom, Not “The Seat”

The Word must grow in thought

And blossom into understanding

It is not the limits of “the letter”

Jesus appointed a Guard and Gardener

To tend and nurture the seed of His word

Wisdom Flowers in His Garden

Outside, too often, dearth

Self Interpretation

Of the Inspired Word of God

Is the Artful Myth Confection

Of the Conspired Word of Mob

Many have faith in their belief

Yet have no belief in Faith

Ware ye the very smiley tude

Of the grinning snake

Ere ye be caught up in his rapture

Heb. 13:8-9

"Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever,

therefore do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching"

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Make No Mistake About This

God's Word

2 Peter 1:20

Understand this first:

That no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation!

Private interpretation of the scriptures

Worships the god of Self

Truth is hard as a rock between the eyes

If you would know other

Intuit the True Wit

Than imbue it as you wit

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Church of The Holly Wood

Are you looking for a good time?

Come and be satisfied in the gratification of self.

Come to the Church of The Holly Wood on Display

Where glamor holds sway

We have on display the dead wood of the cross

Skeleton of the Holy Sacrifice for the masses

Its purpose we have taken away for it was too ugly to see

We left only the blindfold of its purpose the white flag of truce

We don’t want to see the effects of our sin

Stark against the innocence of God

Just bring your Book We put on a good show!

No Flesh and Blood, No pain, No shame

We just play the spinning game

With a song and dance to the tune of you and me

And the gospel of mock and me, myself, and I

No rules just rights

Salvation is yours to say

Satisfaction guaranteed

What anyone believes

Is one’s truth

What many don’t believe

Is One Truth

"Worship without sacrifice is an absurdity of the modern age"

(Mohandas Gandhi)

Many believe in the god of worship

Than the worship of God

~Sage Wordslinger

Truth speaks with the quiet voice of inexorability

Evil yells out proudly of its tolerance & diversity

Steel the best Still the beast

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Open Says Me

God is the dynamic of the universe ever expanding!

He is not the static of the petty contentions of Man

”You cannot see the forest for the trees”, How true!

If one puts all focus on the trees

he will miss the incredible grandeur of the forest and its environs

If one studies God only between the covers of a book

he will miss the incredible glory of the universe and its environs

The Mind of God

”Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein said

Imagination is the only tool that Man possesses

with which to even begin to comprehend the infinity of God

Imagination is the creation process that links us to the Mind of God

To know the fullness of God

We must step outside the limits of the physical universe

unfurl the wings of our mind

and experience Him with the wildness of our imagination

and the poetry of our soul

"If we live as though the finite horizons of this life

were the whole of reality, we are fools indeed"

The Truth is not as narrow as a closed mind

Or the space between the covers of a book

Ken Ye

Many have great faith in their belief

Yet have no belief in Faith

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Examination of Consciousness

If I am not in awe I do not know God!

If I speak without His Word upon my tongue

I give the Judas Kiss

When I write My Will addressed to God

Do I sign it Respectfully Yours?

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Blow Your Mind!

By accepting God’s Truth

Be afire with the excitement that is God

Can you know?

Can you ever participate?

In a more fantastic adventure

Than receiving God into your being!


The Blood of Jesus

Incarnate God

And Grace your body with His Flesh

That He be one with your soul

Freak your imagination

With God’s unfathomable Truth

God is beyond belief!

He must be divined

Purely by Faith!

Hug Him with the prayer of your life

For He is your greatest Lover

Accept or Except

Truth is Free of your Pride

Ken Ye

Awe filled be your Faith

Adventure be your Life

Godward Be

Can you imagine a greater adventure than eternity in awe?!

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In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was made flesh

What is God saying to us?

That we should listen!

With the fullness of our senses

You cannot hear what God has to say

if you are always doing the talking

As many people will tell you

the most important part of any relationship is to listen

God is the author of that premise


In the beginning was the Word


If you look more closely at the word listen

you will find that it means to become still

Become still that you can absorb with all your senses

what is being “said” by your environment

You hear with your ears but you listen with your whole being

God is beyond belief!

He is the simplicity of Faith

And the wildness of your imagination

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God Is

In My Way

I sense God in all the things of my life

Winter summer spring and fall

Things of big and things of small

Tasting, touching, smelling, hearing

And in my call

In my cup of coffee, the stone that stubs my toe

Sailing on the water, my child sleeping down the hall

He is everywhere and so exuberant in me

I must pray

The White Dog of God Fire dances in me with Joy!

Is God in your way?

Or are you in the way of God?

Talk with Him and He will walk you with His Feat

I need to tell others how beautiful You are to see

And what yearning You give to me

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A Christ Mystery


Fall not to legend

But rise to adventure

Legend is history (hiss story)

Adventure is mystery (my story)

Rise above your yesters for your morrows

Bring your life from a maze to amaze!

Ken Ye

And be Free

A Christ Mystery

For thee

Tree of Life

Triangle of Maestri

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Christ Is Borne In The Little House Of Bread

That First Christ Mass

The Word was Made Flesh

As Mary Gave Birth to Her Son

She Placed the Presence of God

In a Manger

“A place where higher beings

Put food for lower beings”

In the little town of Bethlehem

Whose name means “House of Bread”

What do men do with Bread?

Yet, Men do not live by bread alone!

One must take God at His Word

And Receive His Presence

At Christ Mass

The place of food in “A Little House of Bread”

Where The Higher Being

Feeds His Lower Beings

Lower your “self” to His Feat

That you might eat

God’s Word

Only by incorporating God’s Word

Into your Flesh

Will you Live

His Present Is His Presence

In the “House of Bread”


Truth Is The Fruit Of Divine

What Hangs On The Tree of Life

The Word of God

Ken Ye

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Dear God

To God

You should pray

As if speaking to your true love

Undivided attention

Of your body, mind and soul

A timeless moment of adoration

That you might let His heart beat in your life

And hold Him close

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Give us Spirit

That Loves tilt keel to the sea

And sail-yards full aquiver

With the force o’ wind

That we may journey fierce and far

And be ever filled with Life

Keeping adventure in our Faith

Full Aflame

Faith is an adventure or it is nothing at all

Live the adventure

Live In Awe