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Jesus Crucified
Is God’s own image to us
Of what pride does to the soul
And what we must do
If we would pass through
Salvation’s narrow door
The Sacred Offering of Self
Ego is our cross
That we must bear to Calvary
To crucify our pride
And assent to the ultimate humility
Of Whole Being
If you would be like God
You must strive with all your might
To be less than Him
For He Is The Ultimate Humility
Simply Said
The great paradox of Catholic Christianity is that humility is the road to Glory
Walk the road The Least traveled
The loss of diminution is perdition
O Lord
Minish me in all the ways I need to be
Plenish me in all the ways an means of Ye
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Alter Ego
The Altar of God or The Alter of God
Accept or Except
Worships salvation of self
In satyred altering
Worships sacrifice of self
In sacred offering
The Eucharist
Is Jesus’ Sacred Offering of Self
That He might be with us in this life
The Crucifix
Is Jesus’ Sacred Offering of Self
That we might be with Him in the next
Accept or Except
His Gift
Physical Communion as One Flesh With God
Humility is the acknowledgment of Truth
“Unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood
You shall not have life within You”
Ken Ye
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Willful stupidity
Is man's most notorious success
And his greatest hurdle
To discernment of Truth
Some will strain gnats yet swallow Camels
Some will disdain the Lamb yet swallow the Buffalo
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Do? You Believe??
All things are possible with God!
Matthew 19:26
The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life
But there are some of you who do not believe…
John 6: 63-64
So; what part of ALL do you not believe?
O ye of great belief but little faith!
The Words of Eternal Life
”This is a hard saying Lord”
. . . . . . John 6:53-67 . . . . . . .
”And many disciples left that day never to return”
“Do you also want to leave?”
Many would worship the show
Than show the worship
Have not puppet ears for pulpiteers
Who cast the “Golden Bull”
Of mob theology
And worship of the god of Rah!
Glory of the world
Your conscience is Your Free Will
Nourish it with discernment
Or relinquish it to your deceptions
Ken Ye!
Ware the "very smiley tude" of the grinning snake
Ere ye be caught up in his rapture
Is the devil's fondest tool
"99 truths that you accept 1 lie"
Phishers of Men
Jesus Cryist
Luke 21:8
Take heed you be not seduced:
for many will come in my name, saying:
I am he and the time is at hand.
Go not therefore after them.
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Make No Mistake About This
God's Word
2 Peter 1:20
Understand this first:
That no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation!
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I thank God for simplicity
For it has given me
The greatest Joy in life
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Golden "Bull"
Ware Ye
Worship not the Golden "Bull"
That flies from the silver tongue of pulpiteers
Professed in the ology of throwing bull
And practiced in the artifice
Of Charlie McCarthy Scriptures
Writ in blots of Rorschach
Be not puppet ears of pulpiteers
For; who can appease a man’s conscience
Can take his freedom from him
Freedom is not free
Life is ever struggle
Or it is nothing at all
Dare the Adventure of God Sword
Many believe in the god of worship
Than the worship of God
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Beware What Lies
Beyond the Candy
"The Evil One, and savior of death… He promises you illumination,
he offers you knowledge, science, philosophy, enlargement of mind.
He scoffs at times gone by; he scoffs at every institution that reveres them.
He prompts you what to say, and then listens to you, and praises you,
and encourages you.
He bids you mount aloft. He shows you how to become as gods.
Then he laughs and jokes with you, and gets intimate with you;
he takes your hand, and gets his fingers between yours, and grasps them,
and then you are his."
~ Bl John Henry Newman
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Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts
Who could have machinated such an insidious scheme!
Who Done It!
A Lyin' King
Power of Babble
Who through Gates Opened Wide ~
The Web of the World
Who spelled the jargon pile ~
For the way of the web
Who gave daemons and dragons ~
Control of the scheme
Who put the Phishers of Men-
Behind the Sienes
Who put the Byte ~
In the apple of your eye
Who offers a second life ~
In which to play Abettor's Way
Who gave the world ~
The language of One
Who did Inter ~
The world in the net
Who gave us a sanctum ~
To divine simulacrum
Who displaces verity ~
With virtual reality
Who gave us all knowledge ~
For Good and Evil
Who gives us the Dazzle ~
Of Luci in this guise
With Daemons
Once upon a time ~
The angel of light
Now The Accuser
In Hebrew "satan" means “the accuser”
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In Shepherds Clothing
Ware the flap of inkhorn buffalo
Tis the wing of crow
Come to raven your mustered cede
And leave droppings of a stalking horse
Be not puppet ears of Pulpiteers
Bad seed yeilds poison weed
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Sleeping Booty
Incubus preachers
Feeding ignis fatuus to the greeing masses
Grasping for consensual truth
Simulacrum, but the ashes of their fire’s light
Their salvation is Manna picked beyond its day
Zeal, without real, is their faith
Spirit of The Angel of Light
Empty Praises
Fire without offering sends no prayer
Worship without prayer is insinuation
To take forgiveness as a given
Is salvation by presumption
Arrogance of pride
Who sleeps with the enemy becomes him
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Many believe in the god of worship
Than the worship of God
Herd of The Word
Jesus is the guise of many a man’s idol this day
Many steal the name of God to use in feign
They bandy it about as a word of tout
Salvation is "My Way" they proclaim
Ersatz patters god spell on the greeing masses
Surrender conscience to consensus of ego
Into obliquity of thought and euphony of ear
Be Happy! No Worries!
You still can sin again another day
But today your salvation is well in hand.
Phishers of Men
The Word of The Horde
Who sleeps with the enemy
Becomes Him
Luke 21:8
Take heed you be not seduced:
for many will come in my name, saying:
I am he and the time is at hand.
Go not therefore after them.
Some will strain gnats yet swallow buffalo
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Will Call
Pavlovian Response
At the moment of Truth
You will have two visions
One will be
Your everlasting desires
One will be
The devastation of your soul
The Choice
Will be
The first thought that comes to your mind
Remedy or Rapture
Will you recognize the difference?
Benediction or Bane Addiction
Ken Ye
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The Artist
Measures not by the fisherman's tale
But by the wholeness of his seeing
Would you divine his works
Must you see
With spirit eyes of whole being
You must seek his mind
If you would divine
His true design
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The Enlightening Bug
Jesus never wrote a book
He taught in the oral tradition
Of story, metaphor and allegory
To whet the imagination
That He might penetrate fecundity of thought
Men have put His Saying to paper
Bound them in the interpretations of ego
Between the covers of The Book
Would you know the truth of them
You must flee the bindings
Unfurl the wings of your faith
And seek the mind of God
In the vast of His Universe
That you might Divine His Word
In sacred songing of the heart
His Word Will Be
Your Word
Intuit the true wit
Than imbue it as you wit
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God In My Pocket
The Bible
Is like a pocket guide to the wilderness
For The Word is much greater than the Book
Just as you cannot experience the glory of all God’s wilderness
By reading about it in a book
You cannot contain infinity in the bindings of Man
God is so far beyond the boundaries of Man
He must be experienced in the fullness of His Awe
The essence of The Word Is far beyond ink on paper
As the Pharisee did find
? Sola Scriptura ?
(As The Pharisee Knew Him)
Is God really that small?
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
John 1:14
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us
Full of grace and truth…
John 21:25
But there are also many other things which Jesus did;
Which if they were written every one,
The world itself would not be able to contain the books
That should be written!
God is wilder than your imagination
The Word is much greater than the Book
The Mustered Cede
Must be planted deep
Into the soul of the Word
That it might grow to become
The mighty tree of Faith
Many have ayes that do not cede
Many have faith in their belief
Yet have no belief in Faith
To TheoThink
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The Whole Truth
The Holy Scriptures must be read
With the assent of whole being
If one reads with a fractious being
The truth shall not be found
For parts are no more than parts
When the words are fractured
Their truth is also fractured
A partial truth is worse than a bold lie
For it is easier to accept
What “looks” like the truth
Verisimilitude is the devil’s fondest tool!
Amiss is as good as a mile
So very similar to
Is a very smiley tude
Of 'truth' with a wink and a smile
Ware the very smiley tude
Of the grinning snake
Ere ye wear his rapture
Who hears what he wants to hear
His salvation is guaranteed
Sho Nuf
Not as man sees does God see
For man sees the appearance
While God looks into the heart
1 Samuel 16:7
We must develop Theocular vision
We tend to see things, not as they are, but as we are. ~ anon
Truth is Free of your Will
Ken Ye or Yen Ye
Truth simply Is