7. Thrust of GodSword
To Each His Own?
Who worships his Own way
Worships his Own True God
Who worships His Way
Worships The One True God
Truth Speaks One Word
Yet are thousand with the ring
Many will see with gods eyes
Only of Hew Will see in God’s Eye
We tend to see things, not as they are, but as we are. ~ anon
To choose "quality of life" over the gift of life
Is to sacrifice the sacred to the god of convenience
The only Human Sacrifice acceptable to God
Is the Sacrifice of Self
The left hand of the beast is served at the alter of God
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Holy Spirit
Spirit of Time or Spirit of Eternity
The Question
Zeightgeist or die Ewigkeit geist
“Time is the endless moment of disunity with God”
Do not confuse Truth with the Zeightgeist of personal self fulfilling belief
That is famed, maimed, feigned, touted and flouted about this day
Is Free of Your Will
Come, not to conquer this world or the people of this world
But to concur those of Spirituality and Whole Being
Who see with God’s Eye than with gods eyes
To be One, one cannot be many
Truth is One for all, not one for each
Truth believers are out of this world
No longer captive of this whorl of trickery
Set free to experience Universe
They are called Catholic
Though many called are true believers
Only of Hew are "Truth Believers”
For many have ayes that do not cede
One Truth~One Word ~One Verse for ALL
If one reads Scripture in any way other than One Verse
One reads of fractional being
Whole Being is the only Way to Salvation
Ken Ye
~Sage Wordslinger
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I Believe! Therefore I am!
The Word of God
Is not by Saith It is by Faith
Eats and drinks the flesh and blood
Of the Living Word
The Word Became Flesh
That we might eat
And become One Flesh with God
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Divine or Design
Ken Ye or Yen Ye
Many would the mythstory than the mystery of God
Because it is easier for them to conceive than to believe
They would rationalize than realize
Through which eyes do you see
Hard as a rock between the eyes
If you live against it in your Pride
One must develop Theocular Vision
To see in the Eye of Theo
Many have ayes that will not cede
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A Communion Prayer
Of Truth Believers
O Beautiful Jesus
Flesh of my flesh, Blood of my blood
Heal me, body, mind, and soul
That Your Whole Being I might Know
Ken Me
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Far Flung
Web of Deceit
Ware ye fetches o' farfallen feign
Ere ye eclect them thwarts o' yer ain
An roost them heartly as fardels to your bane
Bad seed yields poison weed
Dig The Word
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To Wit
"Many are called yet few are chosen"
Nay mere nuff be heard o' the word
Spirit the wit of the writ maun ye
Intuit the read than read into it
For the wit of the writ is of God
Whilst the twist of the gist is of Thee
Loose Control
Before you lose control
Let the Order of God be with You
Pray or be Prey
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Why does God allow evil?
Wisdom 1:12-15 ~ 2:23,24
It Is: that Love allows freedom to choose
Even; being without The Lover
Choice Without Life Is Death
Choice without God Is Evil
"Love sets the loved one free
That the beloved might choose
True Love Freely in return"
God does not allow evil
God allows choice
And we choose evil
Evil is Choice Without God
Pride creates Evil
In choosing without God
Evil is promulgated and perpetuated
By Sin
The individual
By even the smallest of sins
Is complicit in the greater evil
That befalls the Whole of Creation
And the Communion of Man
All evil in the world
Is created by the choice of Man
All pain, suffering, and death in this world
Is the Beast of Man’s Pride
The endless moment
Of disunity with God
Ken Ye
Steel the best~Still the beast
If ye'll not your beast abey
Your beast ye will obey
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Willful stupidity
Is man's most notorious success
And his greatest hurdle
To discernment of Truth
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The "wrath of God" is merely Man's refusal
To accept responsibility for the defects of his own sin
Love knows no wrath
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Universal Is The Word
Truth simply said is One
But may need be said in many ways
To find your Ken
One Truth
One Faith
Faith is based on truth
Belief is based on proof
While belief can be based on faith alone
Faith can never be based on mere belief
For proof can be as far removed from truth
As heaven is from earth
Often proof is nothing more
Than what we want to hear
The ratification of self
If Faith is based on anything but truth
It is merely what one is willing to believe
Beauty may lie in the eye of the beholder
But Truth is in the Eye of the Author
It is hard to find the simple truth
When one looks for complex answers
Godward Be
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Who seeks shall find what they will
Who seeks with question
Will find what they are willing to believe
Who seeks without question will find Faith
Who seeks satisfaction will find pride
Who seeks perfection will find Humility
Who seeks humility will find wisdom
Ken Ye
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Thrust of God Sword
My words oft are writ
With trinity in their being
Look up! look up! look up!
If ye would truly eat
The meat of their meaning
Then must ye dance in their milieu
Would ye capt the vast of their imbue
They speak One Verse
For All
Truth Revealed in Truth Concealed
Scriptures by God
Ken Ye