8. Real Ayes

Kyrie’s View

All your plans for the morrow

Are dust blowing in the whims of change

Extemporaneous and foudroyant

The dragon becomes the flutterbye

Dust to dust Sands to Sans

The terminal becomes the Eternal

For Alas! From Atlas to At Last

To all Man comes to pass

Before you know it you will go into Obit

Best make your attitude adjustment

Before your altitude adjustment

The Destination of Choice

Will Be … Forever Yours

These are not mere words

They are The Path, The Least Traveled

The Colossus of Roads

Of One to Three

Of Being Wholly in Trinity

I, Least of Awe, Trust to Ye

These Three Keys of Humility

Secrets of the Kingdom

That you might unlock

And Path to Me

Vision of a Poetrygeist

Look to See with Vision

Than with Sight


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Eye Of God


Is Written In The Eye Of God

As in a clear pool of Water

Deep and Quiet

You might look into the depths

And be astounded by the Truth

Or you may look mirrorly at the surface

And be confounded

By what you see reflected there

You may behold the Artist Conception

Or merely see your own artful confection

Do not blame the Artist

If this conflagrates your mind

You must look beyond your Self

To see the Truth

May your conscience be illumined

By your Fire

Humility is the acknowledgement of Truth

Obedience is The Way

God's Fire gives light to the Feat

Pride's fire gives dance to defeat

We tend to see things, not as they are, but as we are. ~ anon


Interpretation, especially of Scripture,

that expresses the interpreter's own ideas, bias, or the like,

rather than the true meaning of the text.

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My Eye

Putting the Great I

Before the Great I AM

Was the Great Descent

Of the Great’s Dissent

Pride comets before the Fall

Fall High or Follow

Tend ye to the feet of the King

Ye will be first before Him

Tend ye to His Crown

Ye shall be fallen and confound

He Go before Ego

Tend Ye

If I offend thee pluck it out.

Best be reft of your "I" than be reft I AM.

John 3:30 “He must increase while I must decrease”

The loss of diminution is perdition

If you would be like God

You must strive with the whole of your being

To be less than Him

For He is the Ultimate Humility

Godward Be

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Not as man sees does God see

For man sees the appearance

While God looks into the heart

1 Samuel 16:7

Spirit Eyes

Commentary of the day :

John Tauler (c.1300-1361), Dominican at Strasbourg

Sermon 53

"Blessed are your eyes, because they see"

Our Lord said: «Many a prophet and many a saint longed to see what you see but did not see it.»

We must understand the prophets as being the great, subtle and reasoning minds

who hold to the subtlety of their natural reason and draw from it emptiness.

Those eyes are not happy.

We must understand the kings as being men who are naturally dominant, with strong and powerful energy,

who are masters over themselves, their words, their works, their language,

and who can do whatever they want when it comes to fasting, vigils and prayers.

But they make a big thing of it, as if this were something extraordinary, and they despise the others.

These are also not the eyes that see the things that make them happy.

All those people wanted to see and did not see. They wanted to see, and they held on to their own will.

Evil resides in the will... Our own will covers our interior eyes like a membrane or a film covers the exterior eye

and prevents it from seeing...

So long as you stay within your own will, you will be deprived of the joy of seeing with your interior eye.

For all true happiness comes from real abandonment, from being detached from our own will.

All that is born in the depth of humility... The more a person is small and humble,

the less does he have his own will.

When all has been calmed, the soul sees its own essence and all its faculties;

it recognizes itself as the rational image of Him from whom it came.

The eyes... that look this far can rightly be called blest because of what they see.

What a person discovers then is the marvel of marvels, what is most pure, most sure...

May we be able to follow this path and to see in such a way that our eyes might be blest.

And may God help us in that!


Spirit vision grows from the cede of your will

"Many have ayes that do not cede"

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Tale of Two Testaments

The Book of Wisdom or The Book of Knowledge

The Soul than The Sole

As the Prophets See Than as the Pharisee

The New Concealed in the Old Revealed

Four Told in the New Foretold in the Old

The Kyrie's View Of a Curious Few


The Mint of God in the Coin of Man

Many see a different "God" in the New Testament

Than the "God" of the Old Testament

The God of Mercy than The God of Wrath

Love Knows No Wrath


The Old Testament is Man's Conception of God

In his own Image and Likeness

The New Testament is God's Conception of Man

In HIS OWN Image and Likeness

The Old Testament is The Prophecy

The End of the Sentence of Death

The New Testament is The Fulfillment

The Beginning of The Word of Life


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Make No Mistake About This

God's Word

2 Peter 1:20

Understand this first:

That no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation!

Truth is hard as a rock between the eyes

If you would know other

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Is Not an image a symbol or device

But the real physical presence

Of The Living Word

Made Flesh

By the Power of Jesus

In the person of His Priest

In the Celebration

Of the Last Supper

The First and the Form

Of the Lasting Sacrifice

Of New Covenant

The Christ Mass

Eat, Drink & Be Married

To God

Consummate The Vow

Or merely give the lip service

Of a Judas Kiss

The Word without Flesh

Is make believe

Jesus is the reason for all seasons!

Ken Ye

The Greatest Boon Fardel

That Ever Lives

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The Lasting Supper

Look not with one I

You will see as a fool

Look with three ayes

You will see God


Eats and drinks the flesh and blood

Of The Living Word


Accept or Except


Is Free of your will

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The Feat of The King

In Seeking Truth

What is the hardest to swallow

There will Humility find you

Lower your “Self” to His Feat

Lest One taste the Feat of Jesus

With his tongue

He speaks not the Gospel Truth

The Word Of God

“Jesus Is Borne”

In The Little “House of Bread”

At Every Christ Mass

Of Every Present Day

Who will not accept His Presence

Will not receive His Present


The House of Bread

The Gift that Keeps One Living

Salvation Hangs on the Tree of Life

Will you eat the fruit?

Eternal Life

One cannot receive a Gift

Lest he accept

Food or Feud

The answer is in your Quest Yon

Pray or Be Prey

Eat or Be Eaten