Pique of Wisdom

Prodigal Son

"Jesus Cryists "

During my teen years I started becoming less interested in religion which is not uncommon.

Going into the Marine Corp with my faith weak, on again off again and the changes of Vatican II

were certainly no help in keeping my Faith strong, so mostly I drifted further away until it didn’t matter to me anymore.

“Maybe God exists, I don’t care, I don’t think about it, I am doing my own thing, living my own life.

I am away from things that have always held me back.” That’s where I was, coming out of the service, lost...

a fugitive from God and religion. But God would not simply let it be. Things were no better in my life now,

than when I did “believe”, I was just.. “more lost”. God did not pester me or force me to come back to His Church.

He allowed counterfeiters and deceivers to preach the gospel of verisimilitude and placebo

with such zealous belief that they had the truth. I was so shamed that these people had such great zeal

yet no knowledge of truth and I had the Truth but no zeal. I felt like everyone was trying to pull me away from God

with the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus would not leave my life. It was Jesus this and Jesus that,

all manner of misconception, misdirection and self deception, like all the devils of hell using the name of Jesus

to steal my soul, that drove me fiercely back to the Catholic Church. It was a long and painful journey back,

humility, reconciliation, but I knew the Catholic Church was

“The Real Thing”.


The Universal Word

No one can deny

*Genuine*Brand Name*Original*

33 AD

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Pique of Wisdom

It is said:

"Wisdom comes with age"

It is considered

That one generation is fifteen years

In the human cycle of life

Perhaps this is why

The teen years are the peak of wisdom

The rest of life is all downhill

Humility Patience Understanding

The Enlightenment!

Of how little you really know!

And a longing for the Truth

Wisdom is the Flower of Virtue!

The pique of wisdom

Is that it is so elusive

Until you have fallen from the peak

Ken Ye

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Secrets Of The Universe

Once Upon A Dreaming

When still a child in my Father’s House

I dreamed upon a time

I wrote a book divine

That contained all the secrets of the universe

Then awhile I slept

And upon awaking when I went to read

I could the script no longer see

All the pages appeared empty to my eyes

For the runes had been writ

In the inklings of the universe

That only spirit eyes could see

When I slept it was my spirit eyes that closed

And when I woke it was my earthly eyes

That opened on the world

And left me blind to the divine

Spirit eyes can fully divine

While earthly eyes see only by design

Now in my age of discernment

Again I dream with eyes divine

And now I write again for thee the book

Inklings of a mustered cede if you so incline

To fully see a great flowering of wisdom

In your mind

To set you free

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A Tale Of The Christmas Tree

To a humble virgin the angel Gabriel came to say

Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with Thee

Blessed art thou among all women

The angel Gabriel then went to fields near Jerusalem

And planted a seed

The seed sprouted from the earth a December day

Every year for thirty three

He celebrated the birth of life into the world

Bearing witness with another ring

Tall and stalwart did he grow

Pining his greater purpose yet to know

Peter did he call his name and raised his limbs in praise

This year came men of sin, hacked him from his root

Chosen for his common humble wood

Unsuitable for the glorified works of Man

He was stripped, cut and deformed into a thing of pain

To be the altar of sacred offering for sin

Upon which his birth mate, Jesus, the savior would hang

Embraced willingly by his purpose

He was carried along the path of pain

Tall and stalwart did he stand in sacred offering

Presenting Jesus to His Father

This is a story

Of The Christmas Tree

And why we choose the pine

Pine means to yearn deeply with painful longing

And the common wood represents humility of being

Jesus being the Ultimate Humility is our path to Glory

Each man born is mated with a cross to fit his life

He must embrace willingly

And walk the path to Calvary

To give the gift of self

In sacred offering to God

Self is the gift that must be given

Or it will sour and turn to pride

Fall of Angels

Fall of Man

Honor the humble wood

By keeping its purpose affixed

Christ The Sacred Offering of Self

The Tree of Life

The Crucifix

May you celebrate a Mary Christmas

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Love Potion

The Treasured Good Wife

Would be you a pearl of great price

Drink of this potion I prescribe

Imbibe the wisdom of mellifluous word

The malefic be cast and never heard

Would the warrior you disarm

Gird must you the goddess charm

Quest would you the “Golden Fleece”?

Kill the harpy, Set the goddess free!

Man would sing to the cat o’nine

Than feel the lash of a woman's tongue

The cat tears merely at the flesh

While the tongue cuts deep into the soul

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Still the Beast ~ Steel the Best

If ye'll not your beast abey

Your beast ye will obey

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Mellifluous Word

Those of God Sword

Gracious and magnanimous be

To those of lesser mettle

Because you acknowledge

“There go I but for the grace of God”

Rouse not your ire

But gentle them by your example

What is Love

To err is human

To forgive is Devine

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The Curious Word

Loquacity of iterant mundanity

Renders unto apathy

Laconic saiths of uniquity

Impregnate to fecundity

A thousand words will be lost

To the pain of their hearing

While a few well said

Will be heard a thousand times

Ken Ye

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Don of Nature

Not only did He don nature as His glove

Of Creation

He dawned our nature with His Love

In preparation

Not only did He dawn our souls His Nature

For our participation

He donned our nature as His Love

For our salvation

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Holy Smoke

Smoke of weeds is bane addiction of the will

Smoke of incense is benediction of the will

One is oblate of the altar of God

Other is oblate of the alter of God

Which is your will

To Loo or To lieu

To loose or to lose

Kindle Ye

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God’s Will

To capture an inkling

One must be quick

For ‘tis in a twinkling

Be they fixed

With spirit eyes in a still of thought

They may be captured

In a flash of enlightenment wrought