Aye of The Bolder
Weld: to bring into Complete Union
The Last Laugh
At hiss finessed hour
Pride wast done in
By hiss own power
For to quench the Son
His will be Done
For the cost of Ours
The Tree of Life He carried across
From Paradise To paradox
To set a crest the vale o death
To vail us o Salvation's Quest
To Carry on Back a Cross
To Paradise from paradox
And set a crest Valor's Wrest
The Tree of Life
In the Everlasting Laugh of God
Wooed o the Wood
Who seek answers
They do not want to hear
Will never find them
Not all will fall
In the threshold
Many will fly away
The write of passage
Is not a Right of Passage
The Rite of Passage must ye
One Word in the mouth
Is worth more
Than a thousand In the Book
Do not Miss the Word for the words
Seed need cede
Fore mustard mustered be
Faith does not leap it walks a cross
Be Fast to the Last than first to the finish
For Time is not of the essence
But that ye be wrought to perfection
J6:54 Limn o' The Limen
Ken Ye
Elder Welder
Yen O Me
Apple of My Eye
The enemy is the yen o' me
The eye pull of my I
I must decrease
That aye might increase
So I might no longer Be
Screaming Me Me
But Singing aye aye to Dei
Textured Texter
t Rex
The X of all equation
Sought of every seek
t Rex of all Salvation
Bought His very meat
The yes of our elation
Pon our tongue is very Meet
Text Riddler
All Greek To Me
J6:54 Habeas Corpus
He came Not to be a comedian
He came to be
The Communion Medium
What He Said Ingest
He said Not in jest
The greatest "Gift of Tongues"
One can receive in His Life
Is "Thanksgiving"
Let it be all Greek to Ye
Weld One
Aye Oui See
The Kyrie's View
Rex Calibre is drawn
From the pages of the tome
Only by whom
Receive the keys of the groom
Seek Sophia's Pearls
The Aye of the Poetry Geist
Ye maun deign from extreme mundane to extramundane
To Aye Oui Si
The Superlative Three
Ken Ye
Weld One